Sunday, December 30, 2007

Internet and Moral Values

Internet pornography is more dreadful than the sexual games which came through the cable TV that has entertained many people. But it was a disturbing thing to so many parents. Nowadays sexual websites are introduced in Internet.
There are lakhs of sex websites available in Internet. About Rs.5000 crores of business is done by these websites from which we can understand the the number of visitors to these sites. To put an end to these misuse of Internet filter softwares are invented. These softwares like search watch, night nany, cyber petrol, cyber deter etc. can prevent the access of these type of websites in children.

Monday, December 24, 2007


The word 'Internet' is the short form international network.Today Internet is also known in different names such as information super highway,the net,the web,the matrix,the data sphere and the electronic frontier.Internet electronically connects computers of different parts of the world as a means of communication.It was only during the 90's Internet became so popular but in the comteporory world 35% of the total population use Internet.This clearly signifies the importance of this new means of communication.
Today Internet plays a significant role in the day-to-day affairs of the society.Even the people who live in the rural area of India use Internet for the exchange of information.Last year the results of the S.S.L.C examination in Kerala was published through Internet.This single instance gives us the hints about the scope and importance of Internet.Now Internet influences the culture and lifestyle of the masses.It is evidently shown that no other means of communication network system has become so significant as Internet.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Closing Sales: It's Easier than You Think!

Closing sales with potential buyers sometimes seems difficult. But in order to gain new clients, you have to know how to complete the final step in the sales process most effectively.
By learning to focus your attention in the right places, look and listen for certain cues, and use simple persuasion techniques, closing those sales can be as easy as counting 1-2-3!
Converting Prospects into Clients
Moving prospects from interested customers to actual clients can be as an easy as requesting the sales. But first you must prepare the groundwork to ensure they understand what you have to offer-and they aren’t scared off by a sales approach that’s too aggressive.
To gently transition your prospects from interested customers into clients, keep these tips in mind:
1.Be kind and considerate. No one wants to buy anything from a pushy, inconsiderate salesperson! Show the prospects that you have their best interests at hearts and you are more likely to earn their business.
2.Tell them what you have to offer and how it can meet their right up front. Being transparent about your intentions hereby promotes an honest, respectful, and a caring atmosphere-while paving the road to a successful close.
3. Listen for signs that they are ready to buy. A prospect who’s truly interested will do one-two or all three of the following things:

Ask questions about the product or buying process.Example,”Can I add other family members to that tbusiness?”Or how many years will the business be in effect?”
Offer encouraging comments that show they are listening.Example,”Really?”Or “Great idea”.
Complain about previous experiences with other teams.Example,”I like that. That’s something my previous team just didn’t understand/offer”.
4.Position yourself as an expert and a great resource. Treat your clients with respect, but know your product/s inside out so you can present them confidently. This gives your prospects reason to trust what you are saying, positions you as an authority on the subject, and adds value to the customer-agent relationship. It also means you are the one they are likely to approach with needs further down the line.
5.Answer questions with questions of your own. This is not attempt evasiveness. But rather a way to expand on your own ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers and give the client an opportunity to make a commitment. For example. if asked the above question regarding adding other family members to a particular team, you could respond,”Would you like to add Raghu and Deepa to your team now?”
6.Give them choices. Suggest certain team based on your client’s needs. Then step back and let them decide what they want for themselves. Presenting customers alternatives shows them two things:
You hear what they are saying, and you care about their needs.
You are more interested in meeting those needs than selling them a particular product.
7.Give them room to think. Real persuasion does not involve pushiness. People resent being pressurized and probably won’t return if you take this approach.
Perfecting your technique
Closing sales take some measure of finesse and skill but it’s easier than you think! By learning to watch your customers, take your cues from them, and perfect your persuasion techniques, you will be closing those sales and growing your client base in no time!